Friday, September 4, 2015

We ate special stuff today!

Lo & behold, I made my food post too soon! For tonight we ate whale fat & horse!!

Here is a photo. Whale on the left, horse soup on the right:

The whale fat was a little weird, but the texture was not that strange-- it was a mixture between a custard & pineapple, Stephen says. The flavor is off, though, because they always add something to make it sour. So we don't really know what it actually tastes like.

The horse meat is wonderful. It just is. Sorrynotsorry. It's tender & flavorful. I think it's like a beef-lamb hybrid, flavor wise. Stephen loves it so much, he's eating another bowl now even though he's full. And before you get too freaked out, there's a legit reason for eating them. They are set into the fields in the summertime, and they are free to roam...and breed. If they didn't eat some of them, there would be too many horses to sustain through the winter months. 

So! There you have it. Horse...mmmmmm.

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